Member Login


Losantiville Country Club is a private Club. Guests may be invited by members to enjoy our wonderful facilities, but under the current rules structures.

In-town guests, that do not belong to another local Club, are only permitted to be a guest no more than six (6) times during in-season play, March 15th through November 15th. In-town guests that are members of other local Clubs may play as a guest of a member an unlimited amount of times. In-Town guest play may be restricted on weekends and Holidays. Out of Town guests do not have any time restrictions or number of rounds.

Guests are afforded the same benefits and amenities while on our property as a member, including use of the locker rooms, practice tee, practice greens, and will even be given the membership discount when purchasing products from the Golf Shop.

Guests will be held to all of the Club rules as the accompanying member including, cart rules, dress code, and course etiquette.

For a detailed list of Guest Rules and our Dress Code click HERE